Mar 20, 2010

Sad Through - Day (SADTURDAY)

This is the latest news that I can share to all of you guys, when I realized this I already in deep trouble. Today I was planning to finish the Mid-Test / Assignment from my lecturer. I just keep working on and on, slowly but surely this feeling of being haunted givin' me crazy.

This is true story and not fun at all, this is the creepiest question I ever faced T_________T
I just don't what in the world is this kind of question or maybe I just don't know how to work it on. End for the short story is "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT ECONOMETRICS!!!"


This is surely making me mad, I'm just hoping that my lecturer won't failed me in this course, this is a tough semester for me, :(

Mar 16, 2010

My Own Music, My Own Song. . .

Ngomongin musik nih sekarang, gw tuh suka banget ma yang namanya musik apalagi yang berbau Jepang gitu or Musik Praise and Worship. Pingin banget bikin lagu sendiri cuma masalahnya tuh Gitar baru gag ada and belom bikin gitar baru lagi. . . .

Sigh..... I really want to have a New Custom Accoustic Guitar.... :( Tapi ya gitu deh, kudu pesen dulu and butuh proses and padahal nih waktu gw nulis tulissan ini tuh waktu inspirasi datang kaya banjir bandang, banyak kata-kata mengalir diatas nada-nada yang sekiranya bisa gw handle lah, cuma itu lagi masalahnya GITAR gw baru ga ada!!! :( Tapi ya sudahlah, toh nanti kalo udah waktunya gw bikin lagu sendiri ntar pasti gw rekam and gw upload biar bisa didengerin banyak orang and hopefully akan ada banyak masukan juga buat gw. Well, maybe that's all that I can share for now. Please give comments or critics for me :)

Mar 13, 2010

Sidang tahunan MuPel Jateng-DIY 2010-2011

Well, back to blogging activity . . .

Minna~~~~san!!!! Ogenki desuka???
Yesterday I went to Tegal to attend the Yearly Meeting for GPIB's Jateng-DIY region, and seterusnya pake Indonesia dulu yah, soalnya ni baru aja nyampe rumah jadi pas capek banget and ga sempet mikir kata-kata dalam English.

Kemaren tuh gw kan ke Tegal nih ada acara sidang tahunan GPIB wilayah Jateng-DIY, namanya juga sidang jadi ya suasana sidang gitu deh, yang menarik tuh gw seumur hidup lom pernah ikut yang namanya sidang jadi kemaren tuh gw bener-bener Newbie banget disana apalagi gw tuh peserta paling muda soalnya rata-rata usia Ortu sih, ya sekitar 40an tahun gitu deh, kebayang aja bahwa gw yang seekor Newbie ini menghadiri sidang orang tua. Tapi disitu menariknya, gw jadi belajar banyak hal tentang tata cara bersidang, berpendapat, interupsi, bahkan sampe cara berbicara dengan orang yang lebih tua sampai bagaimana cara melihat pola pikir seseorang ketika dia bercerita. Pokoknya banyak deh!!!! >.<

Well, lagi-lagi karena gw tuh yang paling muda jadi gw cuma liat-liat aja suasana saat sidang but that's enough lah.... At least gw dapet pengalaman baru yang bisa dipergunain untuk kedepannya. And kalo misalkan tahun depan ada lagi and gw diikutsertain lagi mungkin gw juga bakal......NOLAK! hehehe..... jujur aja gw lom siap tapi overally sih acara kemarin sampe tadi siang sih cukup menyenangkan. That's all for today, :)


Mar 8, 2010

A Moan-Day

It's March 5 2010 and surely not a really good day, especially for me. The weather's HOT all day and COLD all night, nothing to eat at home, lot and lots of assignment, no text message in my inbox, no new game to play, nothing to do except assignments, nothing... and just nothing.

But thanks God tomorrow is Tuesday and that means Wednesday is coming after, it's always lovely when it comes to Wednesday. Not so tiring classes, and to know that the day after that is the last and the most lovely classes in this semester :) and so well....... I can live it up, yes. :)

And that's all for today, I got to rush up my work now, >0<

See you guys later, GBU :)

Mar 5, 2010

Holiday Report . . . :) (PART ONE)

Back again minna~~~san!!!
Ogenki desuka???? :D

This time I'm gonna share to you all the holiday I had with my whole family. It happened last 25-27 February 2010. We went to Salatiga to stay at our third "base", some say it as a Home :)

We went there to refresh our mind from our daily activities and it happened. We spend our quality time as a family and it surely lovely to hang together with family. The first day end up with playing cards and move on to bed early cause we already got exhausted from our previous activity.

The 2nd day, this is a long day to begin with, we woke up late, having breakfast only with Indomie relaxing and when the Sun goes up we ready to go to the first destination which is WarTo or Warung Soto, lol lol lol we didn't have enough breakfast that's why we go to the 2nd stage :)Here is some of the crazy things :)

After having break we went to nowhere and end up to a "unfamiliar" place for me, I never been there before but the place is wonderful, full of greens, Javanese culture, Pendopo, and even outbond things are packed in there, here's the detail....


Mas Andi

Cie Put and Ko Dan

Our Lovely Dad and Mom :)

Here is / was our family From Left to Right (Me *3rd child*, Mom, Big Sis *1st child*, Dad, Big Bro *2nd child*)

That's all for now, and we continue the 2nd part later, GBU :)

What's NEW???

Well, I think this one is new, I try to write as often as possible but looks like I just can't do it cause I got so many assignment to do T_________________T But surely I keep writing and it would be nice too if someone who read my blog give any comment for me in the Chat box :)

This week surely is a long week for me, got so many assignment and I also had to finish "Personality Plus" book too, the book is an amazing one I learn so many thing about personality from this book and truly I'm so glad cause I find several people who are willing to read this book by borrowing mine, it's okay for me as long as they want to learn and at least I already move one step ahead to be a better person although they just read it but I'm sure they will understand the content of the book easily. For my friends, have a fun reading and be a better person, while for the other one . . . . . you must know about this, the growth of our little bro and sis is depend on us......

Another one is the upcoming birthday of my friend, she's turning 17 this March. Truly I don't really understand why is she getting so exited about this, as I mentioned to her before that 17 is not that special for me cause I personally think that 20th is better :)

Maybe that's all for this week and I don't think I have any idea to write now..........
See u guys next time, GBU :)

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